Posts Tagged ‘saints super bowl’

The One Post You Need To Read To Win Money On The Super Bowl

January 29, 2010

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I’m not in any way promoting gambling, BUT…for those NSNG readers out there looking to put a little money on the Super Bowl next weekend, is your new best friend. Whether you plan on betting $5 or $5,000, it’s in your best interest to read this… 

Here’s a quick blurb about this new site, which hit the interwebs just in time to make you some serious scrilla:
runs every game 50,000 times before it’s actually played once and comes
up with a comprehensive breakdown of every game including personal stats for
each team, win %, close win %, blowout win %, each player’s % to win the
Super Bowl MVP, and much, much more.

Bessire, who built the Predictalator,
has had great success, like accurately choosing the
winner of: five of the last six Super Bowls, including last year’s four-point
(exactly) win by Pittsburgh; five of the last six World Series, including the
Yankees’ 2009 win in six and the 2006 Cardinals win in five (both to the game);
five of the last six Stanley Cup champions; and five of the last six NCAA
Tournament champions (as of Selection Sunday).

Sounds like a pretty solid pitch to me.

Of course there’s no way to determine EXACTLY how things will go. Peyton Manning might break an ankle on the first play, Marques Colston may get overexcited and drop every pass that comes his way and Dallas Clark might pull a Eugene Robinson and miss the game entirely, stuck in the clink.

No matter how much is left to chance, gamblers will still gamble and people will always take their chances on the biggest game of the year. So if you’re gonna put your money on the line, you might as well be as informed as possible. I give you, courtesy of, your guide to bringing home the big money on Super Bowl Sunday.

You’re welcome.
