Posts Tagged ‘prank wrapping paper’

Now THIS Is What I Call Christmas Spirit!

December 26, 2009

Now THIS is what I call Christmas spirit!

From the AP:

A Chicago man could be unwrapping the hundreds of Christmas gifts spread around his apartment for days, even weeks.

Trouble is, they aren’t really presents. They’re his own belongings meticulously wrapped by friends as a prank while he was out of town.

Louie Saunders’ packages contain everything from couch cushions to the beer in his refrigerator.

His friend Adal Rifai masterminded the scheme after Saunders gave him a spare key. It took 16 people, 35 rolls of wrapping paper and eight hours to finish the job.

Check out footage of Saunders’ crib–hands down the most festive apartment in all of Chicago!

[HT to’s Jimmy Traina]