Posts Tagged ‘nfl on fox’

The First 14 Weeks Of The Season the NFL Gave To Me…

December 21, 2009

If you’ve been too busy tallying up Jay Cutler interceptions or placing bets on Lovie Smith’s future to keep an eye on the rest of the NFL, Fox Sports has packaged up the first 14 weeks of the season in this nifty little holiday song. Keep an eye out for Kyle Orton getting mauled, Favre being Favre and Cutler doing what he does best. 

Oh yeah, and if you really haven’t been watching anyone but the Bears, now might be the time to remedy that. Things are only gonna get worse for Chicago fans from here on out and I’d hate to see you forget what real football looks like.

[HT to NSNG reader and Denver Stiffs mastermind Andrew Fenstein]