Posts Tagged ‘jersey shore’

Things That Suck More Than Food Poisoning

January 26, 2010

Walking home from watching the football games Sunday night, I popped into Whole Foods for a late night snack. They were just about to close, so I quickly grabbed a container of sushi–normally a safe choice at WF.

Not so much.

Since about midnight Sunday night I’ve been suffering from a pretty spectacular case of food poisoning. I’ll spare you the details–suffice it to say I have rid my stomach of anything resembling a liquid or food–even most of the Gatorade I attempted to sip yesterday afternoon. My weakened state, limited brain capacity and bitterness over being sick has inspired this little gem of a post: Things That Suck More Than Food Poisoning.

Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments.

If Chicago Athletes Were Reality TV Stars…

December 16, 2009

There are just as many crazy personalities in sports as there are in the wild world of reality television. On any given night I wouldn’t be surprised to see the actions of Chicago’s most famous athletes earn them a cameo on “The Soup.” So which reality stars are most like your favorite pros?

No Spain, No Gain presents…If Chicago athletes were reality stars. Leave your suggestions in the comments, too!