Posts Tagged ‘jay mariotti’

Ten Good Reasons Kenny Williams Doesn’t Want Ozzie Guillen On Twitter

February 25, 2010

You can’t blame Chicago White Sox GM Kenny Williams for being worried about Ozzie Guillen’s new Twitter account. The fiery team manager is the man behind some of the most highly publicized rants in sports, and now he’s got a forum to spew his vitriol 24/7, not just when the media is around.

According to the Sun-Times’ Joe Cowley, when Williams first heard via text that Guillen had joined the social networking site, he didn’t believe it. Later, in person, he responded: “No comment … and make sure you write that it is a no comment with a headshake from side to side.”

Guillen raised a few eyebrows just three tweets in, firing off this little gem:

Thumbnail image for guillen twitter.png

But a little boredom is nothing compared to the [bleep] that has come out of Guillen’s [bleeping] mouth in the past. Yes, he’s been responsible for some [bleeping] colorful quotes over the years.

For ten good reasons why Williams doesn’t want Ozzie on Twitter, check out what Guillen’s Twitter Feed might have looked like if the site had been around a few years earlier, in time for some of his most famous rants…


The Tip-Off

November 20, 2009


T.G.I.F. and all that crap. Here are some tips for this weekend.

I’m off to Hawaii for a week, suckers!!! I’m hoping to gets some posts up here and there but I may be too busy hiking down volcanoes, sipping delicious lava flows on the beach and cliff diving into waterfalls. You understand.

For those of you stuck in the Chi…

WATCH: As everyone in Chicago (except Joakim Noah) knows…the circus is in town! Why not check it out? Experience the joy of teaching your kids–or someone else’s kids–to hate clowns. [Ringling Bros]

WONDER: Did Jay Mariotti start a scuffle at Underground last night after someone snapped his pic with a cell phone? [Deadspin}

FLAUNT: Wanna date 25 guys at once, hook up in hot tubs and spend the night with near-strangers–all while your friends and family are watching? If you said yes, head to Rockit tonight to try out for you chance to be the next Bachelorette. [Metromix]

TAUNT: Iraqi detainees are using the Favre-to-the-Vikings situation to mock the Wisconsin soldiers keeping watch over them. [WTMJ Wisconsin]