Posts Tagged ‘heidi pratt’

Things That Suck More Than Food Poisoning

January 26, 2010

Walking home from watching the football games Sunday night, I popped into Whole Foods for a late night snack. They were just about to close, so I quickly grabbed a container of sushi–normally a safe choice at WF.

Not so much.

Since about midnight Sunday night I’ve been suffering from a pretty spectacular case of food poisoning. I’ll spare you the details–suffice it to say I have rid my stomach of anything resembling a liquid or food–even most of the Gatorade I attempted to sip yesterday afternoon. My weakened state, limited brain capacity and bitterness over being sick has inspired this little gem of a post: Things That Suck More Than Food Poisoning.

Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments.

Getting Over The Hump: The Wednesday Link Dump

January 20, 2010

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Moist tidbits from the interwebs to get you through the tail end
of your Wednesday afternoon.

•Does it get any better than a desktop Zamboni? I say no. [Puck Daddy]

•Your nightlife activities broken down, from A to Z, into football terminology. Ladies–let’s all try our best never to be “the XFL.” [Pigskin Doctors]

•Jeremy Roenick’s always-sharp tongue finds a new target in Cristobal Huet. [Chicago Breaking Sports News/Waddle & Silvy]
