Posts Tagged ‘chicago bulls’

NCAA Selection Committee Gives Tonight’s Bulls Lineup A 16th Seed For The Tourney

March 16, 2010

Annnnnddddd nooooooowwwwwww…the starting lineup for YOUR Chicago Bulls!!!

Jannero Pargo
Flip Murray
James Johnson
Taj Gibson
Brad Miller

Like they always say, don’t pick a 16th seed.

Forget the Bulls–These Are Chicago’s REAL Ballers…

March 15, 2010


It’s safe to say that even the most die hard of Bulls fans have been disappointed with this season. The team has dropped seven straight games to fall out of the final playoff spot in the Eastern Conference and now a sprained wrist means Derrick Rose will likely sit out Tuesday’s game against Memphis.

Heading into the season, most Chicagoans should have known better than to expect much out of this year’s squad. For the Bulls, 2009-10 has been less about winning and more about making room for the arrival of D-Wade, Bron-Bron or Chris Bosh.

Instead of sticking with a team that’s waiting for next year, Chicago hoops fans should have been cheering on a squad that’s made the most of this year: the Jenner Mustangs.


Get One Step Closer to MJ: Get Marsified

January 13, 2010

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In the late ’80s, early ’90s, Michael Jordan commercials were as famous for Spike Lee’s “Mars Blackmon” character as for MJ himself. The sports-loving, big glasses-wearing, fast-talker was the perfect hype man for Air Jordans. If you didn’t want to be Jordan himself, you at least wanted to be Mars, sidekick to the world’s greatest athlete.

Back in 2006, the first Air Jordan Spiz’ikes, shoes that combine the best elements of the Air Jordan III, IV, V, VI and XX, were sold.
Now Jordan Brand is releasing the Mars Blackmon edition of the Spiz’ike (part Spike, part Mike),
with new colors and Mars-inspired details like an insole printed with a
Mars logo and the “Fresh Since 1985” tagline.

To celebrate the re-release Brand Jordan has a new website and iPhone app that let you “get Marsified.” Simply choose a template, upload a photo of yourself and boom–you’re one step closer to Mike.

Yo Money, call me!

TweetDec: A Decade of Chicago Sports in 140 Characters Or Less

January 2, 2010

In case you missed the Chicago Tribune Red Eye’s “decade in Chicago sports” wrap-up, here’s my contribution…highs and lows for all the major teams summed up using the decade’s newest reporting tool: Twitter.



December 24, 2009

(well almost all…)

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{HT to Chicago Tribune cartoonist Drew Litton}

World’s Weirdest Christmas Gifts For Chicago Sports Fans!

December 22, 2009

If you, like me, tend to leave most of your Christmas shopping until the last minute, then you’re still out there hunting down gifts for friends and family. If you still need a present for the sports fan in your life, then hit up NSNG reader Ray Ballard, who sent me a super-badass Christmas present: coasters featuring the logos of my favorite Chicago teams all etched in glass. Definitely a great gift for that special someone who loves sports and hates unsightly glass rings.

If your friends and family deserve something really “special,” 
then check out this list of
the World’s Weirdest Christmas gifts for Chicago Sports Fans!

Bulls’ Derrick Rose Busts Out His Best “Blue Steel” For GQ

December 17, 2009

Looks like Chicago Bulls point guard Derrick Rose can add “model” to his resume. The January 2010 issue of GQ features the second-year star (and his many, many tattoos) showing off this season’s hottest windbreakers.

Rose poses like a champion, but Tyra would definitely tell him he needs to learn how to “smize.” (That’s smiling with your eyes for those of you that have too much self respect to watch America’s Next Top Model.)

Check out Chicago’s “Sexiest Athlete” in action…

{HT to GQ’s Corey Wilson]

If Chicago Athletes Were Reality TV Stars…

December 16, 2009

There are just as many crazy personalities in sports as there are in the wild world of reality television. On any given night I wouldn’t be surprised to see the actions of Chicago’s most famous athletes earn them a cameo on “The Soup.” So which reality stars are most like your favorite pros?

No Spain, No Gain presents…If Chicago athletes were reality stars. Leave your suggestions in the comments, too!

And The Big Weiner Is…

December 10, 2009

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I’m happy to announce that NSNG reader James Vertucci is this week’s Vienna Top Dog of the Week. James has won two tickets to see the Chicago Bulls take on the Atlanta Hawks Dec. 19 at the United Center.

Keep checking back for your chance to win!

Don’t Miss Your Chance To Win Bulls Tickets!

December 8, 2009

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Tomorrow is the deadline for the Vienna Top Dog of the Week contest!

Don’t miss your chance to win Chicago Bulls tickets–click HERE for details!