The Tip-Off


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T.G.I.F. and all that crap. Here are some tips & links for this weekend.

I Was In The Pool!!
: Join a bold bunch of Chicagoans as they celebrate shrinkage, taking the Polar Plunge– a dive into Lake Michigan Saturday afternoon.  [Lakeview Polar Bear Club]

Now That’s Pretty Cool: MJ congratulates Derrick Rose on his All-Star selection. [ESPN Chicago]

We’re Going Streaking: The Bulls try to make it five straight wins when the face the Hornets Friday night & the Hawks go for three straight in Carolina on Saturday.

Obvious Tweaking: If you’ve ever looked at an ad and thought: “This just doesn’t look right!” then this is the site for you. [Photoshop Disasters]

Culter – INTs = Exciting: Courtesy of Jay Cutler Superstar, this video. It’s a really well-done look at the saga that brought Jay to Chicago, and the highlights section conveniently omits all 26 interceptions thrown by the Golden Boy…which is nice.

One Response to “The Tip-Off”

  1. bigwhisker Says:

    Have fun streaking in Miami!!! 😀

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